
(function(root) {

Define the various steps; we'll use 7 fairly safe ticks.

  var ticks = ['▁', '▂', '▃', '▄', '▅', '▆', '▇'],

Build the actual clark function, which takes an array of numbers and outputs back the graph as a string.

  var clark = function(data) {

Find the min and max and normalize into steps based on the number of ticks.

    var min = Math.min.apply(Math, data),
        max = (Math.max.apply(Math, data) - min) / (ticks.length - 1),
        results = [];

    for (var i = 0, var len = data.length; i < len; i++) {

Pick the correct tick based on the min-shifted value.

      results.push(ticks[parseInt((data[i] - min) / max)]);

Smush together the array of tick asciis.

    return results.join('');

Expose the module in whatever the most appropriate way probably is based on the global environment.


  if((typeof module !== "undefined") && module.exports){
    module.exports = clark;
  } else if((typeof define === 'function') && define.amd) {


    define('clark', [], function() {
      root.clark = clark;
      return clark;
  } else {

Browser global

    root.clark  = clark;