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/*jslint bitwise: true, nomen: true, plusplus: true, white: true */

* Mediator.js Library v0.9.5
* https://github.com/ajacksified/Mediator.js
* Copyright 2013, Jack Lawson
* MIT Licensed (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
* For more information: http://thejacklawson.com/2011/06/mediators-for-modularized-asynchronous-programming-in-javascript/index.html
* Project on GitHub: https://github.com/ajacksified/Mediator.js
* Last update: June 13 2013

(function(global, factory) {
  'use strict';

  if(typeof exports !== 'undefined') {


    exports.Mediator = factory();
  } else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {


    define('mediator-js', [], function() {
      global.Mediator = factory();
      return global.Mediator();
  } else {

Browser global

    global.Mediator = factory();
}(this, function() {
  'use strict';

We'll generate guids for class instances for easy referencing later on. Subscriber instances will have an id that can be refernced for quick lookups.

  function guidGenerator() {
    var S4 = function() {
       return (((1+Math.random())*0x10000)|0).toString(16).substring(1);

    return (S4()+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+S4()+S4());

Subscribers are instances of Mediator Channel registrations. We generate an object instance so that it can be updated later on without having to unregister and re-register. Subscribers are constructed with a function to be called, options object, and context.

  function Subscriber(fn, options, context){
    if(!(this instanceof Subscriber)) {
      return new Subscriber(fn, options, context);

    this.id = guidGenerator();
    this.fn = fn;
    this.options = options;
    this.context = context;
    this.channel = null;

  Subscriber.prototype = {

Mediator.update on a subscriber instance can update its function,context, or options object. It takes in an object and looks for fn, context, or options keys.

    update: function(options){
        this.fn = options.fn || this.fn;
        this.context = options.context || this.context;
        this.options = options.options || this.options;
        if(this.channel && this.options && this.options.priority !== undefined) {
            this.channel.setPriority(this.id, this.options.priority);

  function Channel(namespace, parent){
    if(!(this instanceof Channel)) {
      return new Channel(namespace);

    this.namespace = namespace || "";
    this._subscribers = [];
    this._channels = [];
    this._parent = parent;
    this.stopped = false;

A Mediator channel holds a list of sub-channels and subscribers to be fired when Mediator.publish is called on the Mediator instance. It also contains some methods to manipulate its lists of data; only setPriority and StopPropagation are meant to be used. The other methods should be accessed through the Mediator instance.

  Channel.prototype = {
    addSubscriber: function(fn, options, context){
      var subscriber = new Subscriber(fn, options, context);

      if(options && options.priority !== undefined){

Cheap hack to either parse as an int or turn it into 0. Runs faster in many browsers than parseInt with the benefit that it won't return a NaN.

        options.priority = options.priority >> 0;

        if(options.priority < 0){ options.priority = 0; }
        if(options.priority >= this._subscribers.length){ options.priority = this._subscribers.length-1; }

        this._subscribers.splice(options.priority, 0, subscriber);

      subscriber.channel = this;

      return subscriber;

The channel instance is passed as an argument to the mediator subscriber, and further subscriber propagation can be called with channel.StopPropagation().

    stopPropagation: function(){
      this.stopped = true;

    getSubscriber: function(identifier){
      var x = 0,
          y = this._subscribers.length;

      for(x, y; x < y; x++){
        if(this._subscribers[x].id === identifier || this._subscribers[x].fn === identifier){
          return this._subscribers[x];

Channel.setPriority is useful in updating the order in which Subscribers are called, and takes an identifier (subscriber id or named function) and an array index. It will not search recursively through subchannels.

    setPriority: function(identifier, priority){
      var oldIndex = 0,
          x = 0,
          sub, firstHalf, lastHalf, y;

      for(x = 0, y = this._subscribers.length; x < y; x++){
        if(this._subscribers[x].id === identifier || this._subscribers[x].fn === identifier){
        oldIndex ++;

      sub = this._subscribers[oldIndex];
      firstHalf = this._subscribers.slice(0, oldIndex);
      lastHalf = this._subscribers.slice(oldIndex+1);

      this._subscribers = firstHalf.concat(lastHalf);
      this._subscribers.splice(priority, 0, sub);

    addChannel: function(channel){
      this._channels[channel] = new Channel((this.namespace ? this.namespace + ':' : '') + channel, this);

    hasChannel: function(channel){
      return this._channels.hasOwnProperty(channel);

    returnChannel: function(channel){
      return this._channels[channel];

    removeSubscriber: function(identifier){
      var x = this._subscribers.length - 1;

If we don't pass in an id, we're clearing all

        this._subscribers = [];

Going backwards makes splicing a whole lot easier.

      for(x; x >= 0; x--) {
        if(this._subscribers[x].fn === identifier || this._subscribers[x].id === identifier){
          this._subscribers[x].channel = null;

This will publish arbitrary arguments to a subscriber and then to parent channels.

    publish: function(data){
      var x = 0,
          y = this._subscribers.length,
          called = false,
          subscriber, l,

Priority is preserved in the _subscribers index.

      for(x, y; x < y; x++) {
          subscriber = this._subscribers[x];
          if(subscriber.options !== undefined && typeof subscriber.options.predicate === "function"){
            if(subscriber.options.predicate.apply(subscriber.context, data)){
              subscriber.fn.apply(subscriber.context, data);
              called = true;
            subsBefore = this._subscribers.length;
            subscriber.fn.apply(subscriber.context, data);
            subsAfter = this._subscribers.length;
            y = subsAfter;
            if (subsAfter === subsBefore - 1){
            called = true;

        if(called && subscriber.options && subscriber.options !== undefined){

          if(subscriber.options.calls < 1){


      this.stopped = false;

  function Mediator() {
    if(!(this instanceof Mediator)) {
      return new Mediator();

    this._channels = new Channel('');

A Mediator instance is the interface through which events are registered and removed from publish channels.

  Mediator.prototype = {

Returns a channel instance based on namespace, for example application:chat:message:received

    getChannel: function(namespace){
      var channel = this._channels,
          namespaceHierarchy = namespace.split(':'),
          x = 0, 
          y = namespaceHierarchy.length;

      if(namespace === ''){
        return channel;

      if(namespaceHierarchy.length > 0){
        for(x, y; x < y; x++){


          channel = channel.returnChannel(namespaceHierarchy[x]);

      return channel;

Pass in a channel namespace, function to be called, options, and context to call the function in to Subscribe. It will create a channel if one does not exist. Options can include a predicate to determine if it should be called (based on the data published to it) and a priority index.

    subscribe: function(channelName, fn, options, context){
      var channel = this.getChannel(channelName);

      options = options || {};
      context = context || {};

      return channel.addSubscriber(fn, options, context);

Pass in a channel namespace, function to be called, options, and context to call the function in to Subscribe. It will create a channel if one does not exist. Options can include a predicate to determine if it should be called (based on the data published to it) and a priority index.

    once: function(channelName, fn, options, context){
      options = options || {};
      options.calls = 1;

      return this.subscribe(channelName, fn, options, context);

Returns a subscriber for a given subscriber id / named function and channel namespace

    getSubscriber: function(identifier, channel){
      return this.getChannel(channel || "").getSubscriber(identifier);

Remove a subscriber from a given channel namespace recursively based on a passed-in subscriber id or named function.

    remove: function(channelName, identifier){

Publishes arbitrary data to a given channel namespace. Channels are called recursively downwards; a post to application:chat will post to application:chat:receive and application:chat:derp:test:beta:bananas. Called using Mediator.publish("application:chat", [ args ]);

    publish: function(channelName){
      var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1),
          channel = this.getChannel(channelName);



Alias some common names for easy interop

  Mediator.prototype.on = Mediator.prototype.subscribe;
  Mediator.prototype.bind = Mediator.prototype.subscribe;
  Mediator.prototype.emit = Mediator.prototype.publish;
  Mediator.prototype.trigger = Mediator.prototype.publish;
  Mediator.prototype.off = Mediator.prototype.remove;

Finally, expose it all.

  Mediator.Channel = Channel;
  Mediator.Subscriber = Subscriber;
  Mediator.version = "0.9.4";

  return Mediator;